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Dr. Jeffery Patrick Jones, D.C,


Dr. Jeffery Jones is a Chiropractor practicing in Madison, MS for over 35 years. Dr. Jones specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Jones seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine. Dr. Jones also employs several other chiropractors that have additional training in neurology, active release technique, myofascial release, functional medicine, chiropractic pediatrics, treatment of pre and post-natal women laser therapy, spinal decompression and neuropathy.
42 years Experience
Dr. Jeffery Patrick Jones, D.C,
  • Madison, MS
  • Life University
  • Accepting new patients

How do you know if you need a chiropractic adjustment?

When you have back pain that lasts for more than 72 hours that is not relieved by hot/cold packs or pain medication, it's time to go. A muscle strain generally will improve if READ MORE
When you have back pain that lasts for more than 72 hours that is not relieved by hot/cold packs or pain medication, it's time to go. A muscle strain generally will improve if not aggravated within 48 hours. Yours sounds like a more serious underlying cause and will only worsen if not treated soon.

Yours in health,

Doc J

What will a chiropractor do for back pain?

The first thing a chiropractor will do is take a complete history followed by an orthopedic and neurological examination and possible X-rays to determine the cause of your pain. READ MORE
The first thing a chiropractor will do is take a complete history followed by an orthopedic and neurological examination and possible X-rays to determine the cause of your pain. Once he/she reviews their findings, they will then determine if you are a chiropractic case. If so, the doctor will devise a treatment plan for your particular case which will include spinal manipulation in conjunction with one or more of the following therapies: electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, traction and supervised range of motion, core strengthening and stretching exercises.

Yours in health,

Doc J

What age should a child see a chiropractor?

I have treated patients as young as three weeks old mostly for colic, constipation and projectile vomiting. All with good results. It is safe for children of all ages. For your READ MORE
I have treated patients as young as three weeks old mostly for colic, constipation and projectile vomiting. All with good results. It is safe for children of all ages. For your specific question, a child should have regular check-ups once they start walking. This is when gravitational forces will have a direct effect on structural integrity, function, and development of the musculoskeletal system.

Yours in health,

Doc J

How long does a chiropractic adjustment take to work for scoliosis?

It all depends on the type of scoliosis and the calculated degree of the curvature. The types are functional (non-structural) which is caused by one leg being shorter than the READ MORE
It all depends on the type of scoliosis and the calculated degree of the curvature. The types are functional (non-structural) which is caused by one leg being shorter than the other or pelvic imbalance. The other is structural which there are several causes. Also, functional is usually one sided, affecting only one area of the spine, whereas structural can affect multiple areas. In most cases, if there is no underlying vertebral deformity and treated early, they can be corrected, reduced or the progression halted. As for how much time it will take depends on the type. I have corrected or substantially reduced a scoliosis in four to six months, but sometimes has taken a year or more. Comparative X-rays are needed every 4-6 months to monitor progress.

Yours in health,

Doc J

Is chiropractic care necessary for children?

Yes, in my opinion it is. Basic chiropractic care is beneficial to all ages but there are chiropractors that go a step further and obtain advanced training in chiropractic pediatrics. My READ MORE
Yes, in my opinion it is. Basic chiropractic care is beneficial to all ages but there are chiropractors that go a step further and obtain advanced training in chiropractic pediatrics.

My youngest patient was 3 weeks old and suffered from colic. Two adjustments to the little man's spine and he had no more troubles.

Regular chiropractic visits for children, every one to two months, helps to improve immune system response and detect any developmental abnormalities in the spine such as scoliosis which can be corrected if caught in the early stages. It also will help improve coordination and cognitive skills. Some may disagree with these statements but seeing is believing. Over 37 years of practice I have seen a lot of children benefit from chiropractic care. From ear aches, colic, projectile vomiting, correction of scoliosis, children with ADD and ADHD go from anti-social to social and C-D academic average to honor roll. Children with autism who couldn=E2=80=99t dress themselves now tie their own shoes and even make their own lunch.

Yes it works. Just keep an open mind.

Yours in Health,
Doc J

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Dr. Jones
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Is chiropractic care necessary for children?
My son is 9 years old. I want to know if chiropractic care is necessary for children?

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Can a chiropractor help with bad posture?

Yes. Many times, bad posture habits are due to lack of normal joint motion of the spine causing shorting of muscles and ligaments. When a person tries to exercise good postural READ MORE
Yes. Many times, bad posture habits are due to lack of normal joint motion of the spine causing shorting of muscles and ligaments. When a person tries to exercise good postural hygiene it becomes uncomfortable due to this lack of normal joint motion therefore they slump. Also, a chiropractor can recommend a postural brace to assist in holding the shoulders back and the upper torso straight. They are simple, comfortable and can be worn under the clothes so no one even knows the child is wearing one.

Yours in health,

Doc J

Can a chiropractor align your jaw?

Yes, they can. Chiropractic is very effective with TMJ syndrome. There will also be a need for chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical spine because that is where some of READ MORE
Yes, they can. Chiropractic is very effective with TMJ syndrome. There will also be a need for chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical spine because that is where some of the nerve control for the facial muscles originates which affects the TMJ. We get a lot of referrals from dentist with patients that have TMJ.

Yours in health,

Doc J

How do I strengthen my back with scoliosis?

It would take too long to explain all the exercises and how to do them. I suggest It's free to sign up and they have exercise instructions for almost READ MORE
It would take too long to explain all the exercises and how to do them. I suggest It's free to sign up and they have exercise instructions for almost any condition. They can also suggest any special equipment needed.

Yours in health,

Doc J

Why does my neck always click?

That is called joint hypermobility. The clicking sound is caused by cavitation of the synovial fluid inside the joint space. It's not harmful.

Yours in health,

Doc J

How do I sleep with a herniated disc in my neck?

I'm sorry to hear that. This is one of those things that is not easily answered. Much depends on the level and direction of the herniation. This is one that you will just have READ MORE
I'm sorry to hear that. This is one of those things that is not easily answered. Much depends on the level and direction of the herniation. This is one that you will just have to experiment with different positions. Sometimes a large bath towel laid out longways, fold the sides to the middle leaving a 1 to 2-inch gap in the center then roll it up one end to the other. Lie on your back with pillows under your knees to relax the muscles of the spine and place the towel at the base of your neck so that the head extends over. If the herniation is lateral and anterior, (to the side and forward of the joint space), it should relieve some discomfort. If it does not then it is possible the disc is lateral and posterior, (to the side and backward), elevate the head in the flexed position. Also, if arm pain is involved putting the arm flexed and above the head may help also. I have always advised patients to use ice packs and no heating pad. A hot shower or bath is OK because it is not direct and concentrated like a heating pad helping to relax and not inflame.

Yours in health,
Doc J

What is chiropractic manipulation?

Chiropractic manipulation is the art and expertise of adjusting vertebral subluxations, i.e. misalignments of the spine, that affect nerve root transmission from the spinal cord, READ MORE
Chiropractic manipulation is the art and expertise of adjusting vertebral subluxations, i.e. misalignments of the spine, that affect nerve root transmission from the spinal cord, reduces joint mobility and alters the normal biomechanical function of the spinal column. Chiropractors are the only health care providers that spend years studying and honing their skills in chiropractic manipulative techniques. Most of us perform adjustments by hand and some use instruments such as the activator.

Yours in health,
Doc J

Does cracking your neck release endorphins?

Yes it does by relieving nerve irritation, muscle tension and improving joint mobility. Some people "crack" their neck themselves which is a bad idea and can be dangerous. You READ MORE
Yes it does by relieving nerve irritation, muscle tension and improving joint mobility. Some people "crack" their neck themselves which is a bad idea and can be dangerous. You should only let a licensed chiropractor manipulate the spine. The main reason is that a person does not know what condition their spine is in and if there are any underlying conditions that would contraindicate moving the vertebra in that manner. Also, vertebra are going to move in the direction of least resistance which is going to be farther out of alignment without an opposing force to manipulate them in the direction they need to go. There has been many times over 37 years that I have treated patients who created their own problem by "cracking" their neck. Let a professional do it.

Yours in health,

Doc J

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Why does my pelvis crack?

That is commonly caused by pelvic imbalance which creates binding of the sacroiliac joints. This lack of normal mobility displaces the synovial fluid in the joint. When you move READ MORE
That is commonly caused by pelvic imbalance which creates binding of the sacroiliac joints. This lack of normal mobility displaces the synovial fluid in the joint. When you move a certain way, the pressure in the joint is released and the sudden symmetrical disbursement of the synovial fluid creates cavitation, i.e., pop or crack. Also, in pelvic imbalance one leg will become shorter known as an acquired short leg and body weight is dispersed unevenly. This in time can contribute to the formation of a scoliosis. I would advise seeing a chiropractor because this is their realm of expertise.

Yours in health,

Doc J

Should I wear a bra to the chiropractor?

Yes. Preferably a sports bra that has no metal clips. If X-rays are taken the patient is asked to remove any metal objects that may obscure parts of the spine. A bra with hooks, READ MORE
Yes. Preferably a sports bra that has no metal clips. If X-rays are taken the patient is asked to remove any metal objects that may obscure parts of the spine. A bra with hooks, snaps, and wires has to be removed and the patient is provided a gown.

Yours in health,

Doc J

What are the dangers of chiropractic care?

With a patient of that age the probability of injury is almost non-existent. As with any patient the doctor should do a thorough exam including x-rays to rule out any underlying READ MORE
With a patient of that age the probability of injury is almost non-existent. As with any patient the doctor should do a thorough exam including x-rays to rule out any underlying condition that would contraindicate manual manipulation. As long he or she follows those guidelines your daughter should be fine.

Yours in health,
Doc J

From: FATD Patient Questions
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2020 12:43 PM
Subject: You Have a New Question: What are the dangers of chiropractic ...

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United States
(866) 664-DOCS

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How long does it take for sciatica to go away?

It all depends on what the cause is and the longevity. If numbness in the leg and foot is involved the sciatica is more advanced. There are three most common subluxation i.e. vertebral READ MORE
It all depends on what the cause is and the longevity. If numbness in the leg and foot is involved the sciatica is more advanced. There are three most common subluxation i.e. vertebral displacement of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint, piriformis syndrome or a disc problem. Of course the latter is more serious and takes more time. Most sciatica patients in my experience begin to receive relief within one to two weeks. It is usually not 100% but a gradual reduction that improves over time with each treatment.

Yours in health,

Doc J

Is a chiropractor a real doctor?

The general public has had the misconception that if you don't have "M.D." attached to your name, you are not a real doctor. There are doctors of many professions and they all READ MORE
The general public has had the misconception that if you don't have "M.D." attached to your name, you are not a real doctor. There are doctors of many professions and they all are "real doctors" in their realm of expertise, i.e., psychologist, anthropologist and so forth. Chiropractors are specialist in their field and the correct term for them is Doctor of Chiropractic. We are not doctors of medicine and do not perceive to be although we treat a lot of the same conditions but with a different approach. Our field of study is much the same as a medical student with the exception of pharmacology, which we do not study, and chiropractic, which they do not study. A chiropractor also has to pass national board exams and state board exams just like the medics to obtain a license to practice.

Yours in health,

Doc J

What treatments are used for pediatric chiropractors?

Chiropractic adjusting techniques used in treatment are standard for all ages of patients. The technique used depends on the condition being treated.

Doc J

Is it necessary to see a chiropractor 3 times a week?

Yes, it is in the first few weeks of treatment. Most conditions of the spine develop over a long period of time and they require close repetitive treatment in the beginning to READ MORE
Yes, it is in the first few weeks of treatment. Most conditions of the spine develop over a long period of time and they require close repetitive treatment in the beginning to be effective. Depending on the severity of a condition treatment programs usually last 12 weeks i.e. 3 x wk. for 4 wks., 2 x wk. for 4 wks., 1 x wk. for 4 wks. After that supportive care is 1 visit every 4-6 weeks. If the patient is progressing faster than expected I will revaluate and reduce the frequency of visits. You must follow the suggested treatment program if you expect to get good results. Some patients will go for 2 or 3 visits and if they are not completely pain free they stop treatment, become disgruntled and say that chiropractic doesn't work. It didn't work because they didn't listen and follow through.

Yours in health,

Doc J

Are chiropractic neck adjustments effective?

Definitely. Neck adjustments improve range of motion, relieves tension, relieves headaches including migraines. People that experience arm pain with tingling and numbness is most READ MORE
Definitely. Neck adjustments improve range of motion, relieves tension, relieves headaches including migraines. People that experience arm pain with tingling and numbness is most commonly caused by nerve irritation in the neck which can be relieved by chiropractic adjustments.

Yours in health,

Doc J