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Dr. Candido Otero, M.D.


Dr. Cándido L. Otero is a retired pathologist in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Otero is a doctor who specializes in the study of bodily fluids and tissues. As a pathologist, Dr. Otero did two Fellowships, the first Fellowship was Cytopathology, the study of the cell, at Shans Jacksonville, Florida and the second Felllowship, Oncological Surgical Pathology, was done at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Otero can help your primary care doctor make a diagnosis about your medical condition. Dr. Otero may perform a tissue biopsy to determine if a patient has cancer, practice genetic testing, and complete a number of laboratory examinations. Pathologists can also perform autopsies which can determine a persons cause of death and gain information about genetic progression of a disease.
62 years Experience
Dr. Cándido Otero, M.D.
  • Roseburg, OR
  • Cándido L. Otero
  • Accepting new patients

Would an iron deficiency cause me to always feel tired and sluggish?

Iron deficiency anemia can cause fatigue, weaknesses, pale skin, chest pain, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, cold hands and feet, inflammation, soreness READ MORE
Iron deficiency anemia can cause fatigue, weaknesses, pale skin, chest pain, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, cold hands and feet, inflammation, soreness of the tongue brittle nails as well as other signs and symptoms. Check with you healthcare provider for verification with a blood test and follow their recommendation. It could be detrimental if you don't get treatment. Go to your provider. Thank you.

Should I be concerned?

A Kappa free light chain is a test that check for high levels of certain proteins in your blood . It could mean that your plasma cells (white blood cells that fight infections) READ MORE
A Kappa free light chain is a test that check for high levels of certain proteins in your blood . It could mean that your plasma cells (white blood cells that fight infections) make light chain. Could be do to and inflammatory process such as low level infection of other conditions. A healthcare provider may order a kappa free light chain test for Amyloidosis (protein disorder), Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MAGUS), it can progress to cancer, Multiple myeloma (plasma cell cancer)Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (rare type). Other symptoms includes anemia, unusual bruising, fatigue, numbness, kidney diseases skin rash as well as other sign and symptoms . Now, depending on how high the values are it can be only inflammation. Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure that everything hasn't change or you are in need of additional tests. Thank you.

Poison control?

Is not a good idea to ingest ethylene glycol. Please, take him to the ER.

High blood test results?

MCV - The normal MCV is from 80 fentoliters (fl) to 100 fl. Yours is 101. It is neglegible having .001 difference. Considered within normal limits. MCH 34.5 - The normal value READ MORE
MCV - The normal MCV is from 80 fentoliters (fl) to 100 fl. Yours is 101. It is neglegible having .001 difference. Considered within normal limits.
MCH 34.5 - The normal value is 24 to 33 picograms (pg) of hemoglobin percent. Again a difference of .05% is considered WNL.
Creating - nl = 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dl. Your creatinine level is considered WNL. A value of great concern would be 5.0 or above for renal failure. Your value is WNL>
eGFR - 1.34 your value. It what they medical practitioner consider within normal limits (WNL)
The etiology go your bladder or what we call bladder incontinence are multiple causes. One thing to check is weakening of your pelvic floor muscles that due to general health and lifestyle changes can cause bladder leaks. There are exercises's that can help. Check with your dr. (OBGYN) Thank you.

Are you sedated for a prostate biopsy?

Yes, you are going to be sedated for a prostate biopsy

Is skin biopsy done under local anesthesia?

In order to do a skin biopsy , the dermatologist freeze the area and take the biopsy. it can be done with local anesthesia.

Is general anesthesia preferred for prostate biopsy?

Yes, It's quicker and safer for the patient.

Can you get a lung biopsy under local anesthesia?

Yes, you can get local anesthesia for a lung biopsy.

How long is the biopsy of the prostate?

The prostate biopsy doesn't take that long to take. However, they need to prepare you with all the ascetic conditions in OR before doing the biopsy. They have to put you in the READ MORE
The prostate biopsy doesn't take that long to take. However, they need to prepare you with all the ascetic conditions in OR before doing the biopsy. They have to put you in the optimal position for the biopsy also. So, it is a process and a protocol that needs to be follow before taking the biopsies.

Can I drink water before a PSA blood test?

Yes, it will keep you hydrated and help raise the veins when the phlebotomist is taking your blood.

What could be the cause of high PSA levels?

Increase levels of PSA may be due to inflammation of the prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), an infection of the urinary tract with or without irritation, medical procedures READ MORE
Increase levels of PSA may be due to inflammation of the prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), an infection of the urinary tract with or without irritation, medical procedures involving bladder or urethra, age health conditions, certain medical conditions and sexual activity. Also cancer of the prostate can cause elevation of the PSA. Consult your urologist for any test that needs to be done. Thank you.

How can I treat my lower back pain?

Lower Back Pain: First you need to see your provider to check and order an X-ray on you lower back to determine what's going on and possible causes of your back pain. Then, READ MORE
Lower Back Pain: First you need to see your provider to check and order an X-ray on you lower back to determine what's going on and possible causes of your back pain. Then, he or she will address how are going to go forward with the condition. Don't try to do it yourself because you can hurt yourself more. Thank you.

How long will I get results from the kidney biopsy?

In 24 - 48 hours if there is no additional finding.

Plasma donation?

Red and clumpy plasma usually means that the red blood cells (RBC), have ruptured and decomposed, which a process know as hemolysis. Smokers are more prone of having reddish-orange READ MORE
Red and clumpy plasma usually means that the red blood cells (RBC), have ruptured and decomposed, which a process know as hemolysis. Smokers are more prone of having reddish-orange plasma due to the contaminated lack of oxygen in their system. A normal plasma color is light yellow. The color is due to bilirubin, carotenoids, hemoglobin and transferring.. Plasma contain many thousands of distinct lipids. The main categories are fatty acids, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, Sterols, Sphyngolipids and phenols. They contain chylomicrons, very-low density lipoproteins (VLDL), and high density lipoproteins (HDLP). all these proteins are measured in blood.

I think I have a positive tb test?

Radish test site means a little extravasation of blood. This is a bruise-like lesion that will go away. If the red area continues after four to five days, please go to your Dr. READ MORE
Radish test site means a little extravasation of blood. This is a bruise-like lesion that will go away. If the red area continues after four to five days, please go to your Dr. to check it out. But generally is nothing serious.

Is local anesthesia selected for bone marrow biopsy?

Yes, you will feel the pressure but not pain. However, everyone is different. Check with your Dr. doing the procedure. Thank you.

Can I get a liver biopsy without anesthesia?

local anesthesia is given. The procedure is safe and fast.

Do you get local anesthesia for colon biopsy?

The colon biopsies are done through colonoscopy . Yes, they will give you anesthesia. Most likely propofol which is a medical that right after the anesthesiology stop the medication READ MORE
The colon biopsies are done through colonoscopy . Yes, they will give you anesthesia. Most likely propofol which is a medical that right after the anesthesiology stop the medication you start awaking up. Normally there is no side effects. But you have to talk to your Dr. who is doing the procedure.

Should I see a doctor for hip pain?

Yes, see the Orthopedic to give you a complete check up with the necessary radiographic examination.