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Dr. Lawrence Shall, MD


Dr. Lawrence Shall is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Virginia Beach, VA. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Shall is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
44 years Experience
Dr. Lawrence Shall, MD
  • Virginia Beach, VA
  • Medical College of Ohio
  • Accepting new patients

What helps heel pain after ankle surgery?

It depends on the cause of the heel pain. Try to wait it out.

Can chiropractors help shoulder mobility?

Yes, if they follow the principals of rehab in the shoulder.

What exercises are good for shoulder tendonitis?

There are well-defined exercises for shoulder tendonitis, which can be found on the internet or taught to you by a good physical therapist.

Should you have surgery for a bulging disc?

Typically NO. Rehab first.

Can you recover from ACL tear without surgery?

It depends on your activity demands. ACL tears typically do not heal.

How does physical therapy relieve pain?

Rehab is surprisingly good for chronic shoulder pain.

What kind of doctor should I see for my back pain?

A musculoskeletal specialist is where to start (not a spine surgeon).

How do you fix a dislocated elbow?

The first thing is to reduce it. Most only require a short period of immobilization and then physical therapy. If there is an associated fracture, that may need to be fixed to READ MORE
The first thing is to reduce it. Most only require a short period of immobilization and then physical therapy. If there is an associated fracture, that may need to be fixed to prevent recurrent instability.

Can you walk on a dislocated foot?

No, if it is still dislocated.

Can bone spurs be removed without surgery?

No, bone spurs don't hurt. The painful condition caused the spur to form. The spur is an X-ray sign, not a disease. The disease needs to be diagnosed and treated to help the pain. READ MORE
No, bone spurs don't hurt. The painful condition caused the spur to form. The spur is an X-ray sign, not a disease. The disease needs to be diagnosed and treated to help the pain.

How do you treat knee pain?

Mostly with rehab depending on what the problems is. Occasionally surgery is needed.

What causes joint pain in knees?

Knee pain is multifactorial. See a sports med Dr.

Should you massage inflamed muscles?

Massage usually helps. At the very least, it won't do any damage.

Is chiropractic good for shoulder pain?

Some are, some not. Go see a shoulder specialist.