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Yaser Cheema, MD


Dr. Yaser Cheema is a cardiologist practicing in Memphis, TN. Dr. Cheema specializes in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating diseases or conditions of the heart and blood vessels and the cardiovascular system. These conditions include heart attacks, heart murmurs, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Dr. Cheema also practices preventative medicine, helping patients maintain a heart-healthy life.
Yaser Cheema, MD
  • Memphis, TN
  • Allama Iqbal Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

What is the treatment for a rapid heartbeat?

Rapid heart beat is many different types. Treatment is dependent on the type of the rapid heart beat.

Can I go to a gym with blood pressure problems?

you should control your blood pressure before intense exercise.

Is it safe to exercise with a heart murmur?

Depends on the intensity of the murmur and symptoms? Too difficult to answer like this. Speak to a cardiologist.

What is the best test to check for heart problems?

Blood pressure numbers, waist circumference, lipid profile, and visit with primary care physician

14 year old with myocarditis?

If it’s related to a virus most cases improve in 4 to 6 weeks, any chest pain, shortness of breath, leg swelling or new signs and symptoms not well explained should seek cardiology READ MORE
If it’s related to a virus most cases improve in 4 to 6 weeks, any chest pain, shortness of breath, leg swelling or new signs and symptoms not well explained should seek cardiology care.

Can you exercise if you have arrhythmia?

After you had an assessment that your arrhythmia is low risk you can exercise

What foods to eat if you have arrhythmia?

Avoiding caffeine and nicotine, staying hydrated, yoga and meditation. Best to know what type of arrhythmia you have

Can covid-19 cause heart attacks?

If someone already has underlying plaque build-up in the heart, Corvid-19 or any other acute illness infection/pneumonia can make the plaque rupture and a heart attack can happen. READ MORE
If someone already has underlying plaque build-up in the heart, Corvid-19 or any other acute illness infection/pneumonia can make the plaque rupture and a heart attack can happen.

What vitamins help tachycardia?

Stress management, hydration, minimizing caffeine can improve heart rate. Yoga and meditation.

Can high blood pressure go back to normal?

If it is related to some cause like obesity and stress it can return to normal.

When should you see a cardiologist for high blood pressure?

Record the blood pressure on a piece of paper or in your machine's memory. Take it to your primary care or a cardiologist. Low-salt diet.

Does COVID-19 disease cause high blood pressure?

If you already have high blood pressure any stress can make your blood pressure go higher. Keep low salt diet. Keep a blood pressure monitor for morning and evening insured to READ MORE
If you already have high blood pressure any stress can make your blood pressure go higher. Keep low salt diet. Keep a blood pressure monitor for morning and evening insured to your primary care.

Does having congenital heart disease mean I am at high risk of getting COVID?

Congenital heart disease is a very broad term, specifics can only be answered after reviewing the case. COVID-19 affects people with comorbid conditions like obesity and hypertension, READ MORE
Congenital heart disease is a very broad term, specifics can only be answered after reviewing the case. COVID-19 affects people with comorbid conditions like obesity and hypertension, heart failure, lung diseases, and, if congenital heart disease is causing any active heart issues, this puts the patient at an increased risk of complications from Covid 19.

How can one tell if they have a faulty pacemaker?

All pacemakers need to be checked every few months (usually 3 to 6 months) according to the schedule by doctor. if the routine check up is normal, then there is nothing to worry READ MORE
All pacemakers need to be checked every few months (usually 3 to 6 months) according to the schedule by doctor. if the routine check up is normal, then there is nothing to worry about.

What can cause my chest pain and pressure?

If you have One or more of the risk factors for heart disease like diabetes, hypertension, smoking, family history and most importantly hypercholesterolemia then definitely need READ MORE
If you have One or more of the risk factors for heart disease like diabetes, hypertension, smoking, family history and most importantly hypercholesterolemia then definitely need to be checked.

How can I reduce tachycardia naturally?

Reducing the amount of emotional and or physical stress, decreasing caffeine consumption can reduce the heart rate. Yoga and meditation both can help. If none of this works, then READ MORE
Reducing the amount of emotional and or physical stress, decreasing caffeine consumption can reduce the heart rate. Yoga and meditation both can help. If none of this works, then thyroid function should be checked and have a primary care doctor or a cardiologist perform an EKG.

How long does fatigue last after a heart attack?

Four to six weeks after the heart attacks are very crucial for doing a cardiac rehab and regaining your baseline functional capacity. Fatigue depends on what kind of damage to READ MORE
Four to six weeks after the heart attacks are very crucial for doing a cardiac rehab and regaining your baseline functional capacity. Fatigue depends on what kind of damage to the heart was done with a heart attack. Ejection fraction or pumping function of the heart determines if you’re going to be fatigued or not.