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Christine L. Foutch, CNS, CDN, PNS, ATC

Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Christine Foutch is a holistic physician practicing in Rock Island, IL. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent disease, treat disease, and most importantly promote optimal health.
12 years Experience
Christine L. Foutch, CNS, CDN, PNS, ATC
Specializes in:
  • Holistic Medicine
  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Rock Island, Illinois
  • PennFoster
  • Accepting new patients

How can I lower my intraocular pressure naturally?

Research findings from as early as the 1970s show that cannabinoids do reduce intraocular pressure.

What medication is best for depression?

Unfortunately, the interest in nutrition and mental health weakened with the introduction of psychiatric medications in the 1950s. Nutrient deficiencies that have been observed READ MORE
Unfortunately, the interest in nutrition and mental health weakened with the introduction of psychiatric medications in the 1950s.

Nutrient deficiencies that have been observed related to mental illness and mood disorders are deficiencies in B vitamins, trace minerals, and circulating amino acids. Those on a wellness journey should first ask themselves

“Are the foods I choose Quality and Nutrient-Rich?”

Unfortunately, forcing the body to perform whether physically or emotionally without the proper nutrient chemicals increases stress weakening the body moreso. Pharmaceuticals force function without the nutrient replenishment. We have completed that full circle; let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food.

Can I get better without antidepressants?

The straightforward answer is, yes. Now the long answer... The Nutrient chemicals therewithin our foods create the internal environment within our bodies that repair our cellular READ MORE
The straightforward answer is, yes. Now the long answer... The Nutrient chemicals therewithin our foods create the internal environment within our bodies that repair our cellular structures; providing our daily functional capabilities. If these nutrient chemicals are not there in the correct amounts this puts the body under a form of stress that is brought about by the nutrient deficiency.

Importantly here = All Stress alters blood flow through our brain away from the frontal lobe; the frontal lobe provides understanding & our behavioral control. This is a survival mechanism.... so blood flow is directed towards the occipital lobe for your vision; so you can see well while running for your life.

This nutrient deficiency stress is added to the other stresses that your body is already under = the Emotional & Physical.

ALL this stress creates more nutrient bodily needs which are NOT available. Creating more nutrient deficiency stress added to other stresses. Going forth redirecting blood moreso & therefore the large amounts of nutrients in the blood away from the frontal lobe which is providing understanding & our behavioral control. Literally a horrible cycle.

So simply put, Stress creates the need for more nutrient chemicals from wholesome foods... If these nutrients are not available more stress is created altering blood flow removing important nutrients away from important areas of the brain creating a loss of some function = Emotional understanding, Behavioral control, and therefore your reactions now to the stimuli in front of you.

Please forgive the long answer, but, I do believe education is the key to unlocking good health. Check into the Ortho Molecular approach & get a juicer.

Is it safe for a child with a history of allergic reactions to get a covid-19 vaccine?

No... Anaphylaxis is an acute and potentially life-threatening serious allergic reaction. Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 READ MORE
No... Anaphylaxis is an acute and potentially life-threatening serious allergic reaction. Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Make sure to thoroughly educate yourself on all sides of the opinions. Copy\paste & follow the links for further info.

What is a natural way to manage anxiety?

Research over many years now has observed depression & anxiety disorders within individuals known to be deficient in B vitamins & trace elements. With the introduction of psychiatric READ MORE
Research over many years now has observed depression & anxiety disorders within individuals known to be deficient in B vitamins & trace elements. With the introduction of psychiatric medications in the 1950’s this interest in nutrient status & treatments declined. Take a look at your diet... increase your consumption of fruits & veggies making sure that you are eating properly; decrease your consumption of the nutrient voided foods. Supplementation can assist, however the whole food is recommended, providing the proper nutrient environment for the bodily absorption & use.

Is CBT effective for anorexia?

Overall to date cognitive-behavioral therapy can be helpful; depending on the needs of the patient. CBT can reduce rates of relapse, supporting the healing.

How do you self treat anxiety?

Nutrition & Psychology is emerging showing much promise in addressing the burden associated with mental & mood disorders. The quality of one's' diets is related to one's risk for READ MORE
Nutrition & Psychology is emerging showing much promise in addressing the burden associated with mental & mood disorders. The quality of one's' diets is related to one's risk for common mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders & depression. Check your diet; remove the nutrient-void foods & increases your consumption of fruits & veggies.

Where can you buy high-quality herbs?

You can check into Dr. John Christopher - the founder of The School of Natural Healing.

Can probiotics cause gas and stomach pain?

With the initial stages of the recolonization that takes within the intestinal lumen after consuming a probiotic can cause discomfort for a period of time as the more harmful & READ MORE
With the initial stages of the recolonization that takes within the intestinal lumen after consuming a probiotic can cause discomfort for a period of time as the more harmful & transient bacteria become, best said, crowded out & then removed with the flow towards excretion.

What are the best herbal medicine herbs?

Check into Dr John Christopher - the founder of The School of Natural Healing.

Is there homeopathic treatment for xanthoma?

Xanthoma could be sign of lipid metabolism dysfunction. It is necessary to have your circulating lipids examined.

Can acupuncture regulate metabolism?

Impressive, yes it is... acupuncture the complementary and alternative therapy has been demonstrated within clinical studies that acupuncture applied at specific acupoints can READ MORE
Impressive, yes it is... acupuncture the complementary and alternative therapy has been demonstrated within clinical studies that acupuncture applied at specific acupoints can contribute to the restoration of endocrine and metabolic disorders in subjects with the simpler weight issues.

Are there certain diseases not to see a naturopath for?

The physician you chose is always your decision. Naturopathic medicine relies moreso upon the natural bodily defenses. Dietary interventions, physical therapies, and herbal blends READ MORE
The physician you chose is always your decision. Naturopathic medicine relies moreso upon the natural bodily defenses. Dietary interventions, physical therapies, and herbal blends that will assist the body within the detoxification processes. A naturopathic physician should assist you within the knowledge, the education you, yourself need to support your very own healing process.

Can massage therapy help someone going through radiation treatments?

This here is described as the Therapeutic Touch; the belief is that human beings are systems of energy. With the energy field extending a few inches beyond our bodily surface. READ MORE
This here is described as the Therapeutic Touch; the belief is that human beings are systems of energy. With the energy field extending a few inches beyond our bodily surface. The goal is to restore balance, harmony, by restoring a sense of well-being. Reducing anxiety, increasing relaxation, decreasing pain while easing depression.

Studies on cancer patients show significant findings; therapeutic touch receivers have reported benefits including improved mood, well-being, while also improvements in their interpersonal relationships. The reduction in pain, nausea, anxiety, and fatigue. Increases within daily energy, and satisfaction within the therapy.

Can massage therapy help fibromyalgia?

Not entirely concluded; however, studies do present massage therapy with a duration of 5 + weeks come to show beneficial effects on improving pain, anxiety, and depression in patients READ MORE
Not entirely concluded; however, studies do present massage therapy with a duration of 5 + weeks come to show beneficial effects on improving pain, anxiety, and depression in patients with Fibromyalgia.

Is exercise incorporated into naturopathic medicine?

The word "Exercise" can sometimes be taken to the extremes. Increasing one's physical activities can be beneficial enough with the progression towards, say, the structured exercise READ MORE
The word "Exercise" can sometimes be taken to the extremes. Increasing one's physical activities can be beneficial enough with the progression towards, say, the structured exercise programs. Altering your diet increasing your fruit and veggie consumption while increasing your physical activities is a wonderful start. Physical fitness is more of a state of your active performance; while health is a state of your being.

How do I lose weight without surgery?

First things first, please do not let exercise participation frighten you, there are multiple types of aerobic training; with varying intensity levels. In fact, the lower intensity READ MORE
First things first, please do not let exercise participation frighten you, there are multiple types of aerobic training; with varying intensity levels. In fact, the lower intensity aerobic training is recommended for weight-loss, as there is more of an emphasis on lipid\fat metabolism. Meaning biochemically this steady-state of aerobic exercise training mobilizes more of the stored fat calories for expenditure. Simple daily walks will begin the additional fat metabolism that you are seeking while also acclimate you to the more moderate intensity for the increased caloric expenditure and cardiovascular benefits. The caloric reduction can be done through simple dietary changes. Focus on multiple smaller meals throughout the day. 4-5 small meals, which can be described as grazing throughout the day. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, and dairy. When one goes forward with the intentions of weightloss, please keep in mind that the metabolically active tissues need to be maintained; therefore keeping blood sugar levels stable is necessary, or you can reduce your metabolism as you reduce your metabolically active tissues, your muscle mass. Eating regularly with these multiple meals will support the blood sugar levels allowing for the retainment of the active tissues; while also maintaining your metabolism. Slow progression is the key to long term success. Be kind to yourself as you begin the necessary changes.

I want to try a natural medical treatment, should I see a naturopath physician?

Yes. The Naturopathic or Holistic physician can guide you on the dietary interventions and any supplementary needs, with the added and needed education to assist your journey. READ MORE
Yes. The Naturopathic or Holistic physician can guide you on the dietary interventions and any supplementary needs, with the added and needed education to assist your journey. The education, in my opinion, is key here. Giving the individual more of an understanding, helping them to stick to the behavioral modifications which can help them within their journey.

How is naturopathic medicine beneficial for people?

Holistic and Naturopathic medicine relies on the bodies own natural defenses to combat and treat disease. Therefore taking into account one's diet, physical activity, environment, READ MORE
Holistic and Naturopathic medicine relies on the bodies own natural defenses to combat and treat disease. Therefore taking into account one's diet, physical activity, environment, medications, supplementation, stress levels, and familial support.

Can I solve my stomach issues through natural remedies?

Search out a holistic or naturopathic physician within your area. Therefore the assistance you need within education and the dietary modifications can be explained thoroughly READ MORE
Search out a holistic or naturopathic physician within your area. Therefore the assistance you need within education and the dietary modifications can be explained thoroughly to you. Gastrointestinal issues can be of some complexity. With an attentive, knowledgable physician the functional balance you seek can more than likely be restored.