Dr. Eric E. Tibesar
Gastroenterologist (Pediatric)
Dr. Eric Tibesar is a pediatric gastroenterologist practicing in INDIANAPOLIS, IN. Dr. Tibesar specializes in digestive system, liver or nutritional problems in children from the newborn period to their teens. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, chronic constipation or obesity can all be treated by a pediatric gastroenterologist.
17 years
Dr. Eric Tibesar
- Indianapolis, IN
- University of Ia Roy J & L Carver Com
- Accepting new patients
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What is the best medicine for baby diarrhea?
There really is no safe medicine that you can give to a baby for diarrhea. If the diarrhea is from an infection you simply have to wait and let the baby's immune system fight READ MORE
There really is no safe medicine that you can give to a baby for diarrhea. If the diarrhea is from an infection you simply have to wait and let the baby's immune system fight off the disease and then the diarrhea will go away. This can sometimes take several weeks. If the diarrhea is due to something else like an allergic reaction then you may need to just try and change the baby's diet to see if that improves the diarrhea.
Can acupuncture help with bloating?
There have been no good scientific studies to prove this but acupuncture has been shown to help with a lot of different things including constipation, chronic pain, arthritis and READ MORE
There have been no good scientific studies to prove this but acupuncture has been shown to help with a lot of different things including constipation, chronic pain, arthritis and headaches. If you have tried all of the other options to help with bloating then this might potentially help if you find a licensed expert who can perform acupuncture on you.
It's not normal but it does happen, typically if you are constipated and have a lot of straining while stooling. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat high fiber foods to READ MORE
It's not normal but it does happen, typically if you are constipated and have a lot of straining while stooling. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat high fiber foods to help prevent further complications.
Does acupuncture help with vomiting?
There is some evidence that acupuncture can help with a variety of medical ailments, so long as you are getting it done by someone with experience who knows what they are doing. READ MORE
There is some evidence that acupuncture can help with a variety of medical ailments, so long as you are getting it done by someone with experience who knows what they are doing. However, there may be an underlying cause for your chronic vomiting that you may want to have a GI specialist try to diagnose so that you can get the proper help and treatment.
What is the strongest medicine for heartburn?
Right now, the strongest medicine we have for chronic heartburn are drugs called "Proton Pump Inhibitors" with medicines such as Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid and Protonix. Many READ MORE
Right now, the strongest medicine we have for chronic heartburn are drugs called "Proton Pump Inhibitors" with medicines such as Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid and Protonix. Many of these medicines are over-the-counter so give them a try and if you need to take them for longer than 2-3 months to fix your heartburn, then something else might be wrong and you need to see a specialist.
When can I go back to work after polyp removal?
Depending on how extensive the polyp is and how long the procedure takes but if it is done with a colonoscopy, you should be fine to go to work the next day.
Can polyps be removed during colonoscopy?
Yes, depending on how big the polyps are but many times they can be successfully removed during colonoscopy. Be sure to follow all the instructions on your bowel prep because READ MORE
Yes, depending on how big the polyps are but many times they can be successfully removed during colonoscopy. Be sure to follow all the instructions on your bowel prep because if you still have some stool in your colon during the procedure, then polyps can't be removed and you will have to reschedule.
Vomiting during bowel movements
It's certainly possible that you may have some constipation or a lot of straining with bowel movements that is causing an increase in pressure in your abdomen and causing the vomiting. READ MORE
It's certainly possible that you may have some constipation or a lot of straining with bowel movements that is causing an increase in pressure in your abdomen and causing the vomiting. Try drinking lots of water, eating more fiber and considering a laxative to make it easier to pass stool.
What medicine can I give my daughter for diarrhea?
Typically at this age, we do not recommend any medications for diarrhea. If she has an infection she just needs to clear the infection and allow her body to heal on its own. READ MORE
Typically at this age, we do not recommend any medications for diarrhea. If she has an infection she just needs to clear the infection and allow her body to heal on its own. If diarrhea has been going on for more than 2 weeks then you need to be seen by your doctor right away.
How often should you have a colonoscopy if polyps are found?
It certainly depends on what the polyps are, based on the pathology report. If they are benign then you can likely have a repeat colonoscopy in about 3 to 5 years but if they READ MORE
It certainly depends on what the polyps are, based on the pathology report. If they are benign then you can likely have a repeat colonoscopy in about 3 to 5 years but if they did come back concerning for possible cancer you may need yearly or even every 6-month colonoscopy
Stomach rumbling?
One thing you could consider is trying some over-the-counter medications like Tums, Pepto-Bismol or Maalox as you might be suffering from some indigestion. Drink lots of water READ MORE
One thing you could consider is trying some over-the-counter medications like Tums, Pepto-Bismol or Maalox as you might be suffering from some indigestion. Drink lots of water make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and daily exercise.
Lump feeling and esophagus
It is certainly possible that you could have something in your esophagus that is blocking you from swallowing certain things. You could also have problems with swelling in your READ MORE
It is certainly possible that you could have something in your esophagus that is blocking you from swallowing certain things. You could also have problems with swelling in your esophagus that can cause food to get stuck when you were eating. Finally, with patients who have an anxiety disorder there is a possibility that you have a psychosomatic issue but either way I would recommend you be seen by a GI doctor who would likely recommend an endoscopy.
Lower right abdomen pain and diarhea
Difficult to say what exactly might be going on but it is possible that you may have eaten something bad or got a stomach bug since it is only 3 days since the start of your symptoms. READ MORE
Difficult to say what exactly might be going on but it is possible that you may have eaten something bad or got a stomach bug since it is only 3 days since the start of your symptoms. I would make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids and if any of your symptoms get significantly worse then you may need to go to the emergency room for evaluation. Hopefully this will pass within the next week or 2.
How long does the stomach virus last?
Typically symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to up to 2 weeks, depending on the age of the child and other co-morbidities.
What is the best medicine for lactose intolerance?
Lactose intolerance can be very distressing and cause a lot of cramps, bloating and pain but it is not terribly serious and not life-threatening. The best "medicine" is either READ MORE
Lactose intolerance can be very distressing and cause a lot of cramps, bloating and pain but it is not terribly serious and not life-threatening. The best "medicine" is either avoiding lactose in your diet altogether or trying over-the-counter Lactaid pills prior to ingesting any food with lactose.
What home remedy is good for baby vomiting?
The best home remedy for baby vomiting is holding the baby upright for 30 minutes after each feeding, burping them frequently during this time. Also, make sure baby is pooping READ MORE
The best home remedy for baby vomiting is holding the baby upright for 30 minutes after each feeding, burping them frequently during this time. Also, make sure baby is pooping regularly as constipation or increased straining with bowel movements can cause vomiting. Sometimes formula changes or changes of diet with mom can be effective but you should consult your doctor first before going this route.
Can endoscopy detect stomach problems?
Endoscopy is an excellent tool to diagnose and sometimes treat stomach problems. However, this procedure is typically recommended for patients with chronic symptoms. The fact you READ MORE
Endoscopy is an excellent tool to diagnose and sometimes treat stomach problems. However, this procedure is typically recommended for patients with chronic symptoms. The fact you have only had problems for 2 weeks would not warrant an endoscopy as your symptoms have a high likelihood of going away on their own.
What can I give my baby for a stomach virus?
Usually, a very thin and benign liquid such as Pedialyte can be effective to help with symptoms of a stomach virus. There is no good mediation to give babies with this condition READ MORE
Usually, a very thin and benign liquid such as Pedialyte can be effective to help with symptoms of a stomach virus. There is no good mediation to give babies with this condition as the body has to fight off the infection on its own before the baby starts to feel better. Keep them hydrated and be patient.
What is the best diet for gastritis?
The best foods to avoid for gastritis are spicy foods, greasy foods, fried foods, alcohol and caffeine.
What foods to avoid if you have celiac disease?
Basically, you have to avoid all foods that contain gluten. This can be done by reading labels and making sure that food is prepared in a separate area of the kitchen to avoid READ MORE
Basically, you have to avoid all foods that contain gluten. This can be done by reading labels and making sure that food is prepared in a separate area of the kitchen to avoid cross-contamination.