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Right foot injury?

I’ve got a right foot injury and I need to talk to a doctor.

Swollen and itchy ankle?

I need a prescription for a swollen and itchy ankle, it started 2 days ago. I don't have any allergies.

Can ice make a sprained ankle worse?

I sprained my ankle and want to ice it. Can ice make a sprained ankle worse?

Can massage fix a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle and want to treat it. Can massage fix a sprained ankle?

How can I fix my heel pain?

I have heel pain and want to treat it. What can I do?

Can you fix a misaligned ankle?

I have a misaligned ankle. Can you fix a misaligned ankle?

What is causing these pains?

I'm 60 years old 170lbs 5'6'. I am experiencing hardened bruising, socks leaving deep impressions on the ankle, and pain going up thigh around hips. I had open-heart surgery...

Can my foot rotation cause hip problems?

I have been experiencing mild hip pain on the outside of my right hip. Mostly when I lay on it and it feels a lot like a burning sensation. I noticed my right foot, when sitting...

Foot drop?

I have a bilateral foot drop can it cause a hip problem?

Is physical therapy effective after ankle surgery?

I will have ankle surgery. Is physical therapy effective after ankle surgery?

Do you need physical therapy after a broken foot surgery?

I broke my foot 2 weeks ago. Do you need physical therapy after broken foot surgery?

How do you treat ankle bone pain?

I have ankle bone pain and want to treat it. What are the options?

What is good for arthritis in the ankle?

I have ankle arthritis and want to treat it. What is good for arthritis in the ankle?

Can a chiropractor help a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle and want to treat it. Can a chiropractor help a sprained ankle?

How long does a nerve block last after toenail surgery?

I will have toe surgery. How long does a nerve block last after toenail surgery?

Is my toe infection bad enough to go to the ER?

My toe has been infected for almost a week now but just tonight I realized that there was a red streak going down from it hurts really bad. Do I need to go to the ER or urgent...

I have pain in left pinky toe can you help me?

Last night I hit my left pinky toe against a hard object and I think I might have broken it. When I woke up this morning I had pain in my left pinky toe.

Is this just a bruise or something more on my toenail?

I found a spot on my right big toenail that is scaring me. I don’t know if it’s a bruise or not. Two days ago, I did go hiking if that somehow helps.

What’s wrong with my ankle and foot?

I went to the doctor's on Saturday, they said nothing was wrong. My pain has been going on since Tuesday but keeps getting worse and worse to where I can’t walk normally.

How much pain is normal after ankle surgery?

I had ankle surgery 5 weeks ago. It still hurts. How much pain is normal after ankle surgery?

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