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How long after ankle surgery can I go back to daily activities?

I will have ankle replacement surgery. How long after ankle surgery can I go back to daily activities?

How long is recovery after ankle surgery?

I will have ankle surgery. How long is recovery after ankle surgery?

Can chronic knee pain be fixed?

I have chronic knee pain. Can chronic knee pain be fixed?

Left foot injury

How do you kt tape peroneal tendinitis? I have peroneal tendinitis and Os trigosum in my left foot and need a good way to kt tape it cause I am a dancer, and need support


Two weeks ago I had knee surgery the put in two metal plates and screws it seem to be healing fine I'm just worried bout my leg feeling like dead wieght and my ankle and. toes...


i just got diagnosed with scoliosis, and my back hurts a lot when im sitting bending or dancing, will the scoliosis progress if i bend down a lot

Is ankle sprain serious?

I sprained my ankle. Is ankle sprain serious? What are the treatment options?

Can ankle sprain be fixed with exercises?

I sprained my ankle. Can ankle sprain be fixed with exercises?

What is the first-line treatment for an ankle sprain?

I sprained my ankle. What is the first-line treatment for an ankle sprain?

Does ankle sprain need surgery?

I sprained my ankle. Does ankle sprain need surgery?

How long does it take to recover from a dislocated ankle?

My friend dislocated his ankle. How long does it take to recover from a dislocated ankle?

When can I walk normal after ankle dislocation?

I dislocated my ankle yesterday. When can I walk normal after ankle dislocation?

Foot Turning Inward

Hi, I run on my treadmill daily and notice for the past two months when i walk sometimes I experience a slight pain in the outside of my right leg and it causes my foot to turn...

What can I do for piriformis syndrome?

I was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome and don’t start PT for a few days. My pain and tightness has been extremely debilitating. I can’t sit or lay down comfortably, and during...

Concerning Neck Pain

Hello, I am 20 years old, Male, 5'11, taking no prescribed medication. Two days ago, I cracked my neck causing it to hurt right before going to bed bed and I woke up with a headache,...

working out

My name is Neil. I go to a chiropractor each month on the first Monday. How many hours should I wait before I go to gym? Can I still workout that day

Is physical therapy effective for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis. Is physical therapy effective for scoliosis?

Shoulder Pain

It hurts when I move my shoulder, it makes my hand and arm numb and my shoulder has a sharp pain. What could be wrong?

Is physical therapy effective for a disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia. Is physical therapy effective for a disc hernia?

Can physical therapy help with disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia. Can physical therapy help with disc hernia?

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