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Ankle injury?

Almost a year ago I twisted my ankle and broken some bones in it. I was in a boot and then cast for about two months. Sometimes I still feel a sharp pain when I walk or swim....

Ankle pain?

I had a tarsal tunnel release and plantar fascia release back in February 2021. This is the 2nd time I had the plantar fascia release in 4 years same foot. I started having numbness...

Is going barefoot good for bunions?

I have bunions. They hurt sometimes. Is going barefoot good for bunions?

How do I treat a sprained foot?

I sprained my foot badly. It hurts. What can I do? Should I go to the emergency room?


My toenail turned a weird greenish color then I hit in on the corner of my bed on accident and my toenail came off partially. It was doing okay but now there is a spot of dark...

Best type of sneaker for orthotics?

I plan on getting custom orthotics for my tennis shoes. This is a very confusing topic and has not been able to get good information on this subject. What I have heard is that...

After surgery?

I had toe surgery 2 months ago and it is almost healed up now. I had glass in my right big toe for 6 months. Now the wound is hard and my toe is a still a bit bigger then my...

Do podiatrists treat ingrown toenails?

I have an ingrown toenail and I want to fix it. Do podiatrists treat ingrown toenails?

Compulsive foot stamping, heavy sitting?

I have compulsive foot stamping, heavy sitting, related to constant perpetual starling screaming.

Why do I still have pain after ankle surgery?

I had ankle surgery 3 months ago. I still have mild ankle pain when walking.

Do high heels cause leg pain?

I wear high heels every day. Recently, I started experiencing leg pain. Do high heels cause leg pain?

Losing feeling in my foot?

About 10 years ago I had a total knee replacement, it has never felt any better. In fact, it is worse now I am losing the feeling in my foot which is really worrying it doesn’t...

Stumped toe?

I stumped my toe on my crutches in March, it was so bad I thought I broke it. I went and had an X-ray done 2 weeks ago, no broken bones my toe is swollen and red, no skin is broken....

Is a walking boot better than a cast?

I fractured my ankle. I do not want to wear cast. Is a walking boot better than a cast?

How do I know if my fracture is healing?

I wear a cast for a fractured ankle for about a week and a half week now. How do I know if my fracture is healing?

I have swollen feet for the last month?

I have had swollen feet for the last month. The feet are red. The skin is tight and sometimes itchy. It hurts to walk as the skin is tight and doesn't flex. I have been using...

Painful big toe?

I stubbed my big toe very hard a couple of weeks ago. It is swollen and purple almost instantly. I iced, elevated, wore a boot, Ibu-tyl rotation. Nothing seems to be working....

When do pins come out after bunion surgery?

I had bunion surgery two weeks ago. I want to know when do pins come out after bunion surgery?

Is it better to keep a burn moist or dry?

I burned my foot and it hurts bad. What should I do? Is it better to keep a burn moist or dry?

Is there anything that really works on calluses?

I want to know is there anything that really works on calluses?

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