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Knee pain?

The inner part of my knee hurts and the back of my knees hurts as well. They also are throbbing. It appeared with a black bruise near the inner part of my left knee. Now it’s...

Femur related questions?

About 4 years ago my femur was broken my operation was done on my broken femur, a rod was interested inside. My question is 1) Can I remove the rod now? 2) Will there be any...

Chronic pain deep in the gluteals, lower back, and feet?

Chronic pain deep in the gluteals 6 years after ski fall (2018) on my lower back and buttocks. Almost immediately it felt like someone shoved softballs down each butt cheek and...

Knee pain?

Last week for two days straight I ran about three miles. I haven’t run in a long time and this was my first time doing so. The next day I woke up and had severe knee pain for...

Car accident knee question?

Towards the end of March, I was involved in a car accident as a passenger and had my legs crossed as the car pulled out in front causing us to T Bone her. My front knee went through...

What is the treatment for a swollen ankle?

My ankle is swollen. What is the treatment for a swollen ankle?

How long after ankle dislocation can I walk normally?

I dislocated my ankle 3 days ago. How long after ankle dislocation can I walk normally?

What exercises are good for a disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia. What exercises are good for a disc hernia?

How do you fix a herniated disc?

I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. How do you fix a herniated disc?

How long after disc hernia surgery can I exercise?

I was diagnosed with a disc hernia. How long after disc hernia surgery can I exercise?

Is my ankle broken or sprained?

I jumped off a balcony and heard a snap/crack/pop in my left ankle. I can’t really walk or put pressure on it, it’s excessive pain, I can’t move my toes without pain, and it’s...

Should I be worried?

I fell on my bike and fell on my shoulder first and slid on it. it’s been 2 days and a yellow-like liquid has been coming out of it and I don’t know if I should be worried.

Fractured 5th metacarpal at base?

I'm curious to know if it is possible to break someone’s 5th metacarpal by squeezing their hand?

Is swollen ankle serious?

I noticed that my ankle is swollen around the joint area. Is swollen ankle serious?

How long after ankle surgery can I run?

I will have ankle surgery. How long after ankle surgery can I run?

Can surgery fix a disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia and want to fix it. Can surgery fix a disc hernia?

Can a disc hernia cause leg pain?

I have disc hernia and leg pain. Can a disc hernia cause leg pain?

When can I drive after ankle dislocation?

I dislocated my ankle 2 days ago. When can I drive after ankle dislocation?

How long is the treatment for disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia and want to treat it. How long is the treatment for disc hernia?

Does climbing stairs help strengthen the knee after a miniscus surgery?

I had meniscus surgery done last year and I entered the gym. Is it ok to do the Stairmaster?

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