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Dr. Pablo Estrada

Sports Medicine Specialist

Dr. Pablo Estrada is a sports medicine family practitioner in El Paso, TX. As a sports medicine family practitioner, Dr. Estrada is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports medicine family practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
9 years Experience
Dr. Pablo Estrada
  • El Paso, TX
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • Accepting new patients

How long are you on bed rest after a hip replacement?

Only until your anesthesia and nerve block wear off. Once you have full control and feeling in your leg you should be up and moving out of bed.

If I sprained my Achilles tendon, will it likely tear in the future?

Yes, your chances of re-injury go dramatically up. But your achilles tendon is not easily injured. You more than likely strained your muscle but it would be worth getting this READ MORE
Yes, your chances of re-injury go dramatically up. But your achilles tendon is not easily injured. You more than likely strained your muscle but it would be worth getting this evaluated to confirm.

Can I get a six pack through diet alone?

Yes and No. Any weight-loss program is primarily based on nutrition, not necessarily a "diet." A "diet" is something you do temporarily, whereas nutrition, especially with the READ MORE
Yes and No. Any weight-loss program is primarily based on nutrition, not necessarily a "diet." A "diet" is something you do temporarily, whereas nutrition, especially with the goal of weight-loss, is a lifestyle commitment and change. I highly recommend a plant-based nutrition plan. Exercise is just a good way to burn excessive calorie consumption. For effective, lasting weight loss you need 3 elements: Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep.

Severe biceps pain?

You should have this evaluated by a board-certified physical therapist. It's never a good sign If the pain is high and getting worse.

How often should I drink water while playing sports?

This is highly dependent on a variety of factors: your current health, your nutrition, the weather, the clothing you're wearing, etc. The easy solution is to drink throughout READ MORE
This is highly dependent on a variety of factors: your current health, your nutrition, the weather, the clothing you're wearing, etc. The easy solution is to drink throughout and especially if you feel thirsty. If you find yourself feeling thirsty towards the end of the game, you're not drinking enough water.

Can CBD oil help with muscle strain?

Currently there is no high value research to support or debunk the notion that CBD oil will help. Anecdotally, I've seen it help some athletes but it appears to be more of a placebo READ MORE
Currently there is no high value research to support or debunk the notion that CBD oil will help. Anecdotally, I've seen it help some athletes but it appears to be more of a placebo effect then actual cellular benefits.

Should I put my son in football?

A majority of the research that has been published is that football can lead to brain injuries (aka concussions, which are a fancy, new term to make the injury sound less then READ MORE
A majority of the research that has been published is that football can lead to brain injuries (aka concussions, which are a fancy, new term to make the injury sound less then what it is). I would not recommend football play but also keep in mind other sports can be just as risky. Cheerleading and soccer tend to have higher rates of brain injuries than football. You have to weight the risks vs benefits of playing a particular sport, but there are many sports out there that provide a good source of development and exercise that don't have such high rates of brain injuries. Tennis, baseball, track and field come to mind...

Can you still be injured without having pain?

Yes, there are many structures in the knee that don't have a good nervous supply. If you are experiencing swelling, warmth, etc. you may have injured something.

Did my son pull or tear a leg muscle?

It depends on several factors: how did the injury occur, what makes the pain worse, what makes the pain better, and how much pain is there in the region? The best thing is to READ MORE
It depends on several factors: how did the injury occur, what makes the pain worse, what makes the pain better, and how much pain is there in the region? The best thing is to go and get it checked out. Pediatric injuries can impact growth and development so you don't want to take injuries lightly. Plus, minor injuries are rare in pediatrics and if he is in that much discomfort, he may have hurt himself more than you think. Find a great sports physical therapist and/or physician to get him evaluated.

I have pulled my muscle from running. Will a hot shower help?

If you know it is just a pulled muscle than you should actually try a warm epsom salt bath but if your have severe pain you want to get that looked at because it could be something READ MORE
If you know it is just a pulled muscle than you should actually try a warm epsom salt bath but if your have severe pain you want to get that looked at because it could be something more like a tear or possibly a separation. Find a good sports and ortho DPT (doctor of physical therapy) to get your movement analyzed and pain evaluated.

Heart pain during and after exercise?

Your heart rate is not typical for someone your age. 175 bpm is more typical of an intense workout and if you are getting that high with low level you should see your PCP and READ MORE
Your heart rate is not typical for someone your age. 175 bpm is more typical of an intense workout and if you are getting that high with low level you should see your PCP and get a stress test done. If you've contracted COVID, even if it was 2 years ago, your heart rate could be elevated like this as well. You may also have an undiagnosed congenital heart condition. So please see your MD or DPT to have your cardiovascular system evaluated.

Should I start physical therapy after knee surgery?

Absolutely. Walking and sitting and standing from a chair are what you need post op day 0 (POD0), meaning once the anesthesia and nerve block has left your system, get moving. READ MORE
Absolutely. Walking and sitting and standing from a chair are what you need post op day 0 (POD0), meaning once the anesthesia and nerve block has left your system, get moving. Try to get as much flexibility in your knee now and work on getting strength later. You should have a physical therapist visit you at your home for the first week. After the first week you should really try and get to an outpatient physical therapy clinic.

Will spine pain go away on its own?

Unfortunately, no. Back or spine pain rarely goes away on its own. In fact, if left alone it typically gets worse. You may have a slight regression in pain with rest but it will READ MORE
Unfortunately, no. Back or spine pain rarely goes away on its own. In fact, if left alone it typically gets worse. You may have a slight regression in pain with rest but it will come back. The best option is to start a low intensity exercise program consisting of walking, core conditioning, and behavior modification. See a board certified physical therapist for some help and guidance. There are really good exercises that can help speed the healing process and take away your pain faster.

Does acupressure help nerve pain?

No. Acupressure works by stimulating your sensory nervous system. Pain in the neck or cervical spine tends to be more involved and will need more to help alleviate. Dry needling READ MORE
No. Acupressure works by stimulating your sensory nervous system. Pain in the neck or cervical spine tends to be more involved and will need more to help alleviate. Dry needling tends to help a lot especially in the initial phases but you want to start doing some low intensity exercises mixed with deep neck flexor (DNF) core conditioning exercises. Find a board certified, physical therapist to help.

What is the home remedy for ankle pain?

The simple answer is low intensity, high repetition movement. There are a few other things you may want to get checked out to make sure aren't the cause of the problem (like a READ MORE
The simple answer is low intensity, high repetition movement. There are a few other things you may want to get checked out to make sure aren't the cause of the problem (like a DVT, or torn ligaments). Best to make an appointment with a board certified, physical therapist.

How many acupuncture sessions are needed for tennis elbow?

Zero. Acupuncture has shown to have little to no lasting effect for tennis elbow. Most research demonstrates poor postural control and over-use are the main causes of "tennis READ MORE
Zero. Acupuncture has shown to have little to no lasting effect for tennis elbow. Most research demonstrates poor postural control and over-use are the main causes of "tennis elbow." Tennis elbow is typically a nerve tension issue and could be the result of problems higher up the chain (i.e. cervical spine). The best advice would be to rest it for a couple of days and schedule an appointment to see a board certified, physical therapist.

My son has dislocated his shoulder twice from playing baseball. Will this have an effect on him in the future?

In the short answer, Yes he will an increased laxity in the joint capsule and be prone to future dislocations. The good news is this can easily be managed with a good sports and/or READ MORE
In the short answer, Yes he will an increased laxity in the joint capsule and be prone to future dislocations. The good news is this can easily be managed with a good sports and/or orthopedic physical therapist. There a some exercises that can help strengthen the supporting muscles of the shoulder (glenohumeral) joint to help decrease the chances of the shoulder dislocating in the future. There are plenty of exercises online you can look up but know those won't be enough because you will be targeting big, power muscles. You need to dive deeper and strengthen the other supporting muscles as well. Reach out to me and we can do a telehealth visit.

What helps with ankle pain from driving?

This sounds like a "nerve tension" issue and could be starting anywhere from your back all the way down to your ankle. See a physical therapist because there are some basic movements READ MORE
This sounds like a "nerve tension" issue and could be starting anywhere from your back all the way down to your ankle. See a physical therapist because there are some basic movements and exercises to remove this pain fast. Contact my office and we can schedule a tele-health visit.

Is walking good for a bulging disc?

Walking is great exercise for a "bulging disc." Don't be intimidated by the MRI and Xrays you were shown. Your body is dynamic and powerful and will respond to the level of exercise READ MORE
Walking is great exercise for a "bulging disc." Don't be intimidated by the MRI and Xrays you were shown. Your body is dynamic and powerful and will respond to the level of exercise you give it. Just contact a physical therapist as there are some simple exercises you could do to help further heal your back.

Is heat good for lower back pain?

The short answer is no. Heat will provide short term relief but is short lasting and doesn't solve your problem. Movement, like walking, and low intensity exercise is actually READ MORE
The short answer is no. Heat will provide short term relief but is short lasting and doesn't solve your problem. Movement, like walking, and low intensity exercise is actually best (try the "press up" or "cobra pose"). Try seeing a physical therapist as we are the movement experts in resolving back pain. Contact my office and we can set up a tele-health visit.