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Should I remove my splint?

I got an elbow fracture 7 weeks ago. I received a splint and was told it would take 6-8 weeks to heal, it's been 7 weeks of healing is it okay to take the splint off?

Why does my body ache and crack like I am 40?

I am only 17. My body feels like I am 40. I skateboard, sing, and play guitar. I frequently had tightness that has been around for years (so I am used to them) around my mid-lower...

Ankle discomfort?

It's my ankle on my right foot. I got stepped on playing soccer 2 months ago pretty bad. It was extremely swollen and couldn’t walk for 1-2 days basically. After rest and icing...

How long does physical therapy take for shoulder pain?

I have shoulder pain and want to treat it. How long does physical therapy take for shoulder pain?

How long does physical therapy take after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke and will have physical therapy. How long does physical therapy take after a stroke?

Is physical therapy worth it for neck pain?

I have neck pain and want to treat it. Is physical therapy worth it for neck pain?

What recovers first after stroke?

My friend had a stroke 2 days ago. What recovers first after stroke?

Can scoliosis be corrected through exercise?

I have scoliosis and want to treat it. Can scoliosis be corrected through exercise?

How to treat a minor foot injury?

I have a minor foot injury. How to treat a minor foot injury?

Should I stop exercising if my back hurts?

I have back pain and want to exercise. Should I stop exercising if my back hurts?

Is it safe to exercise with high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure and want to exercise. Is it safe to exercise with high blood pressure?

I have pain in my leg?

I'm a 28 year old non smoker, thin woman, sitting all day at work, often traveling for long distances (4-5 hours). I don't take any pills, not even a contraception one. I'm awaiting...

Leg pain?

I have a very sharp pain in the outside of my left leg about halfway between my knee and hip. It comes and goes and is like a knife sticking into my leg, always in the exact same...

I have knee pain?

I injured my right knee on the medial ligament side in November of 2019. I sat down in a desk chair wrong. I couldn't walk after. It did buckle. It did everything it could...

I have lower abdominal pain?

I was doing deadlifts with not a lot of weight and I felt a sharp pain on the right side of my lower abdomen, but it went away quickly so I finished the set. A week went by and...

What can physical therapists do for a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle. What can physical therapists do for a sprained ankle?

How long does it take to rehab from shoulder surgery?

I will have shoulder surgery. How long does it take to rehab from shoulder surgery?

What is the best exercise after heart stent surgery?

I had heart stent surgery 2 weeks ago. What is the best exercise after heart stent surgery?

Should I take my son to the ER?

My son got into a fight in school 4 days ago and says his hands have been hurting ever since. He thinks it's broken but his hands not swollen and he can still move his fingers...

How many times a week should I do physical therapy after knee replacement?

I will have knee replacement surgery. How many times a week should I do physical therapy after knee replacement?

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