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How long should pain last after disc surgery?

I had disc surgery 2 weeks ago. It still hurts. How long should pain last after disc surgery?

How long are you off work for disc surgery?

I will have disc surgery next week. How long are you off work for disc surgery?

Do I need surgery for a herniated disc?

I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Do I need surgery for a herniated disc?

I have swelling in my feet and legs?

I started new high blood pressure pills a week and a half ago. I went to the hospital having a hard time catching my breath and swelling in my feet. They gave me hydrochlorothiazide...

I have tingling/pins and needles in left thigh?

A few days ago I noticed an odd indentation in my upper right thigh. I have never had anything like this happen to me. At the time I wasn’t feeling any “off” sensations but now...

Please help me find a way to get surgery?

I was supposed to have knee surgery next week I work in an orthopedic office but my boss told me that my surgery wasn’t necessary and they’re pushing it back a month I can’t wait...

What do I have on my leg?

I had a like boil pop up on almost my shin bone on my left leg the day after Thanksgiving. It got so big and painful it finally drained but not it's black in the hole where it...

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for muscle pain?

I have muscle pain in my leg. How long does it take for acupuncture to work for muscle pain?

Can you live a long life with scoliosis?

I was diagnosed with scoliosis. Can you live a long life with scoliosis?

When should you stop wearing an ankle brace?

I wear an ankle brace after an ankle sprain. When should you stop wearing an ankle brace?

What type of brace do you get after knee surgery?

I will have knee surgery. What type of brace do you get after knee surgery?

Is walking good for knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. Is walking good for knee arthritis?

How long is recovery from slipped disc surgery?

I will have surgery for a slipped disc. How long is recovery from slipped disc surgery?

Can surgery fix the tennis elbow?

I have a tennis elbow and want to fix it. Can surgery fix the tennis elbow?

Can I permanently get rid of the tennis elbow?

I have a tennis elbow and want to fix it. Can I permanently get rid of the tennis elbow?

Distal radius fracture?

I broke my wrist in October of 2020. When my cast was removed the orthopedic said my hand healed great, but it still hurts. I can't put pressure on it or bend it too far back....

I have pain in my back and legs?

I started working out recently, I went from hardly being active to doing 30 to 60 mins of working out a day. 3 days ago I did a really strenuous workout, my body felt like jello...

Does my mom have osteoporosis?

My mom has a severely broken leg. She went after around 3 months to a physiotherapist. The first one put her leg in some automatic pressure pump and left her alone, while he...

What's the best exercise for the arthritic knee?

I have knee arthritis. What's the best exercise for the arthritic knee?

Do I need physical therapy for tennis elbow?

I have tennis elbow and want to treat it. Do I need physical therapy for tennis elbow?

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