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How do you rehab after a heart attack?

I had a heart attack 2 weeks ago. I want to know how do you rehab after a heart attack?

Numbness in leg?

What would cause your leg to be totally numb, including foot?

Knee fluid?

How would you treat someone who didn't injure their knee but has vast swelling around the knee? Yellow fluid, synovial more than 50ml. I had this before and exploratory surgery,...

Knee Cap Pain?

The pain is on top of the cap. Not on the sides. Been there for 2 months.

How do you sleep with ankle swelling?

My ankle is swelling and painful after landing wrong from a swing. How do you sleep with ankle swelling?

How long will it take to recover from scoliosis surgery?

I had scoliosis surgery 3 weeks ago. How long will it take to fully recover from scoliosis surgery?

What exercises should be avoided after hip replacement?

I had a hip replacement surgery 2 weeks ago. I want to know what exercises should be avoided after hip replacement?

Do you need physical therapy after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke 3 weeks ago. The doctor told him to have physical therapy. Do you need physical therapy after a stroke?

What should I do?

I went to the dentist for an infected/impounded wisdom tooth, figured it needed to be pulled as the one below it 34 years earlier. I was prescribed amoxicillin to deal with the...

How long does physical therapy last for vertigo?

I get vertigo very often I want to try physical therapy for it. How long does physical therapy last for vertigo?

What physical therapy is good for a herniated disc?

I want to have physical therapy for my herniated disc. I injured a disc while playing basketball. What physical therapy is good for a herniated disc?

Knee pain?

My knee popped 8 days ago and it won't stop hurting.

A headache at the back of my head?

I am a teenager (16) And 2 days ago I all of a sudden jumped very high and the next moment I got a shock kind of thing at the back of my head and since then I am having mild headache...

Can overexertion result in spondylolysis?

I play football 5 days a week. I had to sit out this season because of back pain. I was diagnosed with spondylolysis. Can overexertion result in spondylolysis?

Can sciatica be cured by physiotherapy?

I have sciatica and have felt back pain since I was 10. Can sciatica be cured by physiotherapy?

Knee pain?

I jogged two days in a row in December and the day after my last jog I had knee pain and swelling on the inner side of my knee. The swelling went down in about a week and the...

What type of physical therapy activities would be beneficial for arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. I want to treat it. What type of physical therapy activities would be beneficial for arthritis?

What does a physical therapist do for vertigo?

I have had vertigo for the last 2-3 months. I heard a physical therapist can help. What does a physical therapist do for vertigo?

Does physical therapy help with arthritis in the back?

I have back arthritis. I want to know if physical therapy can help with arthritis in the back?

Knee problem?

My left knee has been swollen for about a week and I can hardly walk on it or bend it and don't know what to do about it?

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