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How painful is hernia surgery?

I have an inguinal hernia and want to treat it. How painful is hernia surgery?

I have sharp pain in my stomach?

I want to my family Dr he said it could be a stomach ulcer? I have diabetes and I am on pain medication but I forget the name.

How long does it take to get rid of a heel spur?

I have a heel spur and want to fix it. How long does it take to get rid of a heel spur?

How long do you stay on blood thinners after stents?

I am taking blood thinners after stent surgery already 4 months. I want to know how long do you stay on blood thinners after stents?

Is there physical therapy after tennis elbow surgery?

I injured my shoulder during a tennis game. I wonder if there is physical therapy after tennis elbow surgery?

How long does it take to straighten your arm after a broken elbow?

I broke my elbow 2 week ago. I want to know how long does it take to straighten your arm after a broken elbow?

How long does nerve pain last after a stroke?

I had a stroke 3 months ago and still have nerve pain. Is it normal?

Is there physical therapy after hip replacement?

I will have hip replacement surgery. I want to get well soon after that. Is there physical therapy after hip replacement?

When can you walk after heel spur surgery?

I will have heel spur surgery. I want to know when can you walk after heel spur surgery?

Can sciatica be cured by physiotherapy?

I have sciatica and have felt back pain since I was 10. Can sciatica be cured by physiotherapy?

Does a spinal block work for spinal pain relief?

I have chronic spinal pain after years of computer work. Does a spinal block work for spinal pain relief?

Post hernia repair?

I feel slightly puffy on one side where the double inguinal hernia surgery was done about 2 years ago. Looks the same as it always has and I do not feel any hernia. May have...

How long after open heart surgery can you exercise?

I will have open heart surgery and get physical therapy after that. How long after open heart surgery can you exercise?

How long does pain last after broken arm surgery?

I had broken arm surgery last week. It aches badly now. How long does pain last after broken arm surgery?

How soon can I drive after toe surgery?

I am a 37 year old male. I want to know how soon can I drive after toe surgery?

Do and don'ts after appendix surgery?

I am a 16 year old male. I want to know the do and don'ts after appendix surgery?

Uncomfortable belly?

I have gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks just in my midsection. I am in no pain just uncomfortable. I had gallbladder surgery 4 years ago. I am usually at 110 lbs and I am 5'1" and at...

When should you go to the hospital for kidney pain?

I am a 33 year old female. I want to know when should you go to the hospital for kidney pain?

Does exercise help nerve regeneration?

My teenage son has some nerve damage in his shoulder. Does exercise help nerve regeneration?

How long does it take to recover from heart valve surgery?

I am a 48 year old male. I want to know how long does it take to recover from heart valve surgery?

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