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Dr. Lee A Wittenberg, DPM

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)

Dr. Lee Wittenberg is a 3 year surgically trained Podiatrist. Dr. Wittenberg is trained in all elements of foot and ankle surgery, wound care and limb salvage, and general Podiatric medicine. Dr. Lee Wittenberg is Board Certified by the American Board of Lower Extremity Surgery, as well as the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgeons. Whether you need clinical treatment with orthotics, Diabetic shoes and insoles, or bracing of the foot and ankle for pathologies such as Drop Foot, Flat Foot reconstructions, care of an injury or fracture, or an ankle sprain, you can find the care you need at Apache Foot & Ankle Specialists. Dr. Wittenberg is also a wound care and limb salvage expert. If you have a long-standing or non-healing wound, Diabetes, or other Dermatologic issues, Apache Foot & Ankle Specialists can help you in those areas. Dr. Wittenberg is kind, compassionate, and ethical, and will always be looking out for the patients' best interests.
24 years Experience
Dr. Lee A. Wittenberg, DPM
Specializes in:
  • Foot Injuries and Disorders
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Ohio College of Podiatric Medcine
  • Accepting new patients

Do you get braces after ankle surgery?

Sometimes. It depends on what type of surgery and what pathology was addressed.

Is swollen feet and ankles a serious condtion?

Swollen feet, legs, and ankles are usually from a medical issue called Venous Insufficiency. This issue, when severe, can cause blistering, and open wounds, and those may become READ MORE
Swollen feet, legs, and ankles are usually from a medical issue called Venous Insufficiency. This issue, when severe, can cause blistering, and open wounds, and those may become infected and cause cellulitis. This infective process can spread and you could even become septic. You may have a more serious cardiac issue called congestive heart failure (CHF). You should have the problem evaluated by a cardiologist or a vein specialist. The appropriate medication would be a diuretic (water pill). Other treatments may be compression stockings, but you must be careful with the stockings if you have CHF, as they could exacerbate the problem. There are even minor office procedures that might help reduce the swelling. Your balance issues may be more complicated. You may need a neurologist to evaluate that issue.

Should I see a doctor about this?

If you are having pain, then you should seek medical attention. If it is not too painful, and you are able to bear weight and walk without any issues, try some Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory READ MORE
If you are having pain, then you should seek medical attention. If it is not too painful, and you are able to bear weight and walk without any issues, try some Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory medication (Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc) for the pain and swelling. Try an ankle brace or ACE wrap. Ice and elevate and rest.

Can you fix the nerve damage in your ankle?

That is entirely dependent on what type of nerve damage you have. If you have generalized 'Neuropathy,' there are medications that may control the pain from such conditions. READ MORE
That is entirely dependent on what type of nerve damage you have. If you have generalized 'Neuropathy,' there are medications that may control the pain from such conditions. If you have Tarsal Tunnel, that may get better with injections or surgery. If you have a pinched nerve in your spine, a neurosurgeon or Orthopedic Spine surgeon may be able to help. BUT many nerve-related conditions are not treatable and can not be fixed. You need a very thorough evaluation, possibly with NCV/EMG studies, MRIs and other modalities of testing.

Can massage fix ankle pain?

That depends on what the cause of your pain is. For certain conditions, massage may WORSEN the problem.

How can you help with ankle pain?

It depends on what is causing the pain. You may have a tendon, ligament, nerve, joint, or bone problem. You need a proper evaluation and diagnosis in order to have a proper treatment READ MORE
It depends on what is causing the pain. You may have a tendon, ligament, nerve, joint, or bone problem. You need a proper evaluation and diagnosis in order to have a proper treatment plan/regimen

Feet swelling?

You are very young, so Venous Insufficiency/Fluid retention (speaking of salty foods, etc) is not the likely cause of your swelling. You could be developing a cardiac condition READ MORE
You are very young, so Venous Insufficiency/Fluid retention (speaking of salty foods, etc) is not the likely cause of your swelling. You could be developing a cardiac condition or hypertension, and that should be evaluated by a Cardiologist. Your weight most definitely could contribute. If the problem persists, you should be seen by a specialist.

My ankles are swollen?

Not necessarily. There are many conditions which could cause foot and ankle swelling. If you do not have any open wounds on your feet or legs, infection is low on the list of READ MORE
Not necessarily. There are many conditions which could cause foot and ankle swelling. If you do not have any open wounds on your feet or legs, infection is low on the list of differential diagnoses. It could be related to your BP and it could also be related to fluid retention, or venous insufficiency. You should see your primary care doctor for a basic work-up and see if he/she recommends a specialist referral

Can chiropractors adjust ankles?

They can. But should they? And what do you need your ankle 'adjusted' for??

What is wrong?

From the pictures attached here, I can not see well enough to be able to evaluate the problem. The attachments can not be opened or blown up, and the orientation of the pictures READ MORE
From the pictures attached here, I can not see well enough to be able to evaluate the problem. The attachments can not be opened or blown up, and the orientation of the pictures is confusing. Perhaps it would be a better question: What did YOU do to your ankle? What are the symptoms and what is the problem?

Is my toe fine or do I need to go to the doctor? (would prefer not to)

Contusions, subungual hematomas, and other injuries are not 'accompanied' by infection. It is highly unlikely you have an infection, but the signs of infection are redness, pain, READ MORE
Contusions, subungual hematomas, and other injuries are not 'accompanied' by infection. It is highly unlikely you have an infection, but the signs of infection are redness, pain, swelling, purulence/drainage, openings in the skin. A subungual hematoma will darkly discolor the nail from the blood/bleeding underneath, but no action usually needs to be taken. If there is no pain, no swelling, no redness, no drainage, you just have to be patient. It will take 7-9 months for the hematoma to grow out.

How many days of rest should I have after ankle surgery?

It depends on what type of surgery you are to have. But, in general, you are looking at 4-12 weeks of rest and recovery, depending on the type of procedure to be performed.

Can I walk 2 days after heel surgery?

That is up to how your physician/surgeon wants you to handle the post-operative course. I, personally, would not allow any excessive ambulation (more than to the bathroom or kitchen READ MORE
That is up to how your physician/surgeon wants you to handle the post-operative course. I, personally, would not allow any excessive ambulation (more than to the bathroom or kitchen for very short periods of time) for 3-4 weeks after such a surgery.

What are the treatments for a heel sports injury?

Well, that depends. For most sports injuries (sprains, tendinitis, etc), we recommend RICE therapy (Rest Ice Compression Elevation). But it really depends on what structures you READ MORE
Well, that depends. For most sports injuries (sprains, tendinitis, etc), we recommend RICE therapy (Rest Ice Compression Elevation). But it really depends on what structures you injured. Is it a sprain? A bone contusion? Tendonitis? A tendon tear or rupture? A broken bone? A ligament tear/rupture? Everything is dependent on what you injured.

What can I use to ease my heel pain?

The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. I have written a great deal here about plantar fasciitis, so look up some of the articles I have written. But, in general, READ MORE
The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. I have written a great deal here about plantar fasciitis, so look up some of the articles I have written. But, in general, stretching, icing, anti-inflammatory medications, injections, orthotics, and appropriate shoe gear are a great place to start.

When can I walk after ankle dislocation?

If you had a true ankle dislocation, usually the ankle is fractured in several places. Most ankle dislocations require surgery to repair fractures and/or repair tendons and ligaments READ MORE
If you had a true ankle dislocation, usually the ankle is fractured in several places. Most ankle dislocations require surgery to repair fractures and/or repair tendons and ligaments involved. The blood supply and nerves are often involved, also. So if you truly had an injury like this, it will be up to your surgeon to decide when it is OK for you to walk (protected ambulation or normal weight-bearing). So it would be best for you to ask your personal surgeon.

Can an ankle brace help with pain?

Yes, sometimes limiting the motion of a joint or controlling the foot and ankle motion to calm down other issues, such as tendonitis, can significantly be helped by used of an READ MORE
Yes, sometimes limiting the motion of a joint or controlling the foot and ankle motion to calm down other issues, such as tendonitis, can significantly be helped by used of an ankle brace

What can help with my heel pain?

Heel pain is common, and the most common cause of heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis. I have written a great deal of responses on this site about heel pain and plantar fasciitis. READ MORE
Heel pain is common, and the most common cause of heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis. I have written a great deal of responses on this site about heel pain and plantar fasciitis. If the recommendations and treatments for Plantar fasciitis do not help you, I would strongly recommend you see a Podiatrist in your area for a more thorough examination and treatment plan.

When can I go to a gym after ankle surgery?

You can go to the gym AFTER YOU HEAL from your ankle surgery. The type of surgery you have and the post-surgical instructions you have from your surgeon will determine when you READ MORE
You can go to the gym AFTER YOU HEAL from your ankle surgery. The type of surgery you have and the post-surgical instructions you have from your surgeon will determine when you may exercise after surgery.

Will I get a brace after ankle surgery?

It depends on what type of surgery you are to have. Sometimes it is necessary to have a brace, sometimes it is not.