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Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.


Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
69 years Experience
Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Public Health
  • Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  • SUNY Downstate Medical Center
  • Not accepting new patients

Reactivity and The Immune System

The effectiveness of the vaccination process is directly dependentĀ on the reactivity of the immune system. That reactivity is high in youth and declines steadily or sometimes...

Infrastructure and Reconciliation While SARS-CoV-2 Goes Airborne

There are 2,000 U. S. deaths daily. One out of four new infections are affecting children between the ages of 5 and 18. Misinformation and disinformation about the pandemic...

SARS-CoV-2 and Politics

Even though 75 percent of Americans over 18 have received at least one vaccination, the goal set by the Biden administration has not been reached (70% fully). The reason appears...

COVID-19: Delta and Lambda Strains & Texas Abortion Law

With new COVID-19 infections rising to approximately 130,000 every 1 to 3 days and delta and lambda strains becoming dominant, it's difficult to conceive of worse things. Florida...

Horns of Leadership Dilemmas

In the morass of the Middle East, at least 12 U. S. Marines have been killed and at least 15 more wounded at the Airport in Kabul. Mainly it is believed to be the work of Isis...

SARS-CoV-2 & The Long Distance Runner

With a mere six months to his presidency, Joe Biden is defying the odds and declaring that no more lives will be lost to the game of nation building in America's longest war i....

An Enemy Till The End of Time?

It would appear that white tailed deer found in every state except Alaska are contracting the coronavirus in the wild. Blood analysis on samples from over 600 deer conducted by...

Associations of Old Age: Let's Hear it for the Hmong

The weight of the world descends on us and we seek refuge in recreational diversion, at least as much as old age permits. The Tokyo OlympicsĀ offers some respite although it has...

For the People...DACA...New Selma March, Infrastructure et al

There were 393 million guns estimated to have been in the hands of Americans in 2017. Most were not of the AKR variety. There were some 40 to 90 million victims of addiction...

The Gestapo Brownshirt Menace and the Delta Virus Threaten the USA

Over 1000 new cases per hour of SARS-CoV-2Ā are spiking across the USA. While 185 million Americans have received some vaccination too many are vulnerable because of fear or foolishness...

Voter Suppression and Covid Variation. Guns and Roses. Auction of Liberal Multiracial Democracy

With the damage done to the voting rights law by the Bush/Trump appointed Supreme Court and the refusal of the GOP to support a bipartisan examination of the events of 6 January...

An Ancient Delta Force and Party Loyalty

Joe Biden, the 46th president, is fighting a battle for the survival of the USA on many fronts. He is being assailed by the Vatican for his support of gay marriage, women's abortion...

Samaritans in the Era of Covid

Miami, Pennsylvania, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Los Angeles. . . the listĀ of mass shootings, vehicular assault, etc. continues to grow. Car driving has become perilous because...

Black Wall Street, Independent Capitol Riot Commission, Valley Transit Authority and Covid-19

Do you know the way to San Jose? The Valley Transit Authority is down there somewhere, not too far from RPV. You can follow a blood trail if you are part wolf, bobcat, or coyote....

A Letter Concerning the Future to Selin, Karima, Lucie, Dimitri Andropolous, Kyle Pedersen, & Susanna

This is just a brief note to express appreciation for my invitation to the Urban Renewal Zoom event. I regret not being able to respond to a query because of the quirky Zoom connection....

A Numbers Game in the Era of the SARS Pandemic

Over 200 million shots have been administered to Americans by the 92nd day of the Biden/Harris administration's presence in office. Unfortunately, there are nearly 6,700 new cases...

Interpersonal and Intrapsychic Transactions in the Era of SARS-CoV-2 Special Attention: the Elderly and Minorities

There is a nationwide surge in covid cases in nearly half the country. The epicenter of the pandemic in the USA is the state of MichiganĀ and the surge is apparently due to the...

The Interpersonal and Intrapsychic Environment of Individuals (Special Emphasis on the Elderly) in the Era of SARS-CoV-2

Only 13. 4% of the U. S. population but 63% of the U. S. arrests. This is the story of Black Americans and policing at all levels in the last 20 years of U. S. history. Some...

The Covid Interpersonal Environment and the Elderly

The issue of the role of government in assuring safety and well-being is repeatedly being brought to attention by gun violence episodes, public health pandemic precaution violations,...

SARS-CoV-2, Pan Anxiety & Violence

Orange County California was the site of the latest mass shooting episode in this country. As of 7: 30 pm, 6 people were reported shot, 4 reported dead, including a 9 year old...