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Can you get a cortisone injection in your hip for pain while on blood thinners?

I want to know can you get a cortisone injection in your hip for pain while on blood thinners?

I have left leg pain?

I have no medical background. Not allergic to anything, I was always healthy. Today at school I suffered left leg pain, especially in the knee and ankle joint area. What do...

Can I have physical therapy after the COVID infection?

I feel very weak after the COVID infection. Can I have physical therapy after the COVID infection?

How long does it take to walk after hip surgery?

I will have hip surgery. How long does it take to walk after hip surgery?

Should I remove my splint?

I got an elbow fracture 7 weeks ago. I received a splint and was told it would take 6-8 weeks to heal, it's been 7 weeks of healing is it okay to take the splint off?

Why does my body ache and crack like I am 40?

I am only 17. My body feels like I am 40. I skateboard, sing, and play guitar. I frequently had tightness that has been around for years (so I am used to them) around my mid-lower...

Night cramp?

I am suffering extreme pain in my lower left leg during the night.

I have side cramping?

When I try to get up or move from laying down my side starts to cramp and the more I move the worse the pain gets. It starts by my rib cage and moves to my lower stomach and in...

Neck pain/dropped shoulder?

Hi, for a couple of weeks now I have suffered extreme pain, stiffness, and an inability to tilt my head backward or to the right side. Turning my head to the right is also painful,...

What is causing these symptoms?

I believe I have for about 3 years now been overstretching my muscles and ligaments and joints. I believe I have multiple muscle tears, scars, and misplacements, I live in constant...

How long does physical therapy take for shoulder pain?

I have shoulder pain and want to treat it. How long does physical therapy take for shoulder pain?

How long does physical therapy take after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke and will have physical therapy. How long does physical therapy take after a stroke?

Is physical therapy worth it for neck pain?

I have neck pain and want to treat it. Is physical therapy worth it for neck pain?

Should I go to urgent care because of my hurt ankle?

I fell this AM. I have hurt my left ankle. I wanted advice about going to urgent care.

I have pain in my leg?

I'm a 28 year old non smoker, thin woman, sitting all day at work, often traveling for long distances (4-5 hours). I don't take any pills, not even a contraception one. I'm awaiting...

Leg pain?

I have a very sharp pain in the outside of my left leg about halfway between my knee and hip. It comes and goes and is like a knife sticking into my leg, always in the exact same...

I have lower abdominal pain?

I was doing deadlifts with not a lot of weight and I felt a sharp pain on the right side of my lower abdomen, but it went away quickly so I finished the set. A week went by and...

What can physical therapists do for a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle. What can physical therapists do for a sprained ankle?

How long do you take pain meds after knee surgery?

I had knee surgery 2 weeks ago. It still hurts. How long do you take pain meds after knee surgery?

How long does it take to rehab from shoulder surgery?

I will have shoulder surgery. How long does it take to rehab from shoulder surgery?

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