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Dr. Hariram Ganesh, M.D.


Dr. Hariram Ganesh M.D. is a top Pediatrician in Roslyn, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Hariram Ganesh M.D. is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Hariram Ganesh M.D. is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Hariram Ganesh M.D. is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Roslyn, NY, Dr. Hariram Ganesh M.D. is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
Dr. Hariram Ganesh, M.D.
  • Roslyn, NY
  • Accepting new patients

Can a viral infection cause wheezing?


Yes most causes of wheezing in the winter are from viruses.

How do kids get meningitis?


Most cases are from viruses that spread through the blood. Others can be from bacteria, if someone else is sick. Hope she feels better.

What can I give my son for stomach pain?


If it’s from acidity for example after eating a big meal, Pepcid and Mailox work well.

When can babies have antibiotics?


There is no age limit for antibiotics. It can be prescribed even for infants and neonates.

Why does my 6 year old have wrist pain?


It could be muscular or growing pains. I would get an X-ray if it’s been going on for a while.

When should you be worried about a fever?


Most fevers are from viruses. You only have to worry if they last more than 5 days. This time of the year, I would get checked for the flu.

Does my child need two doses of the flu vaccine?


He only needs 2 doses if he’s getting it for the first time. If not, it’s one per season.

Can kids get athletes foot?


Yes children can get athletes foot from irritation. I usually recommend comfortable shoes and fungal cream for treatment.

How do you treat the stomach virus in children?


Viruses don’t need medication to treat. Fluids and supportive care is all that is usually needed. Hope she feels better.

What pain medicine can I give a child with a headache?

Ibuprofen works well. Just take it with food to avoid an upset stomach.

How to manage my daughters peanut allergy in school?


I would have an epipen in school as backup. Also to talk to the teachers, regarding the allergy and to avoid food with peanut

Can lice go away on its own?


It usually takes a while for it to go away on its own. The treatment is fairly easy. The cream or shampoo only needs to be applied once.

What could be the cause of pink eye?

Hello Pink eye could be either from allergies or conjunctivitis from either a bacteria or virus. Usually rubbing the eyes makes it worse. Eye drops will help. Hope she feels better READ MORE

Pink eye could be either from allergies or conjunctivitis from either a bacteria or virus. Usually rubbing the eyes makes it worse. Eye drops will help. Hope she feels better

What causes viral infections?

Hello Viral infections are quite common in children. Usually corona virus is the most common. The good thing is that medicine is not required. Just fluids and rest. Hope she feels READ MORE

Viral infections are quite common in children. Usually corona virus is the most common. The good thing is that medicine is not required. Just fluids and rest. Hope she feels better

Blood disorder in 2 year old baby?


Low iron or anemia is common in a 2 year old. It likely is not a blood disorder but just low iron from the diet. This is very common.

What are the treatment options for a UTI?

Hello An antibiotic which matches the sensitivity of the urine culture is best. Usually a broad spectrum antibiotic is started until the results are back and then changed. Hope READ MORE

An antibiotic which matches the sensitivity of the urine culture is best. Usually a broad spectrum antibiotic is started until the results are back and then changed. Hope he feels better

How to treat an inflamed lung?

Hello Usually lung inflammation in children results from either an infection such as pneumonia or from long term asthma. I would get an X-ray of the chest first to see his lungs. READ MORE

Usually lung inflammation in children results from either an infection such as pneumonia or from long term asthma. I would get an X-ray of the chest first to see his lungs. The treatment is inhaled corticosteroids, such as Flovent, Pulmicort, or Advair. Hope he feels better.


Hariram Ganesh

Is an ear infection serious?


Ear infections are common in children and are associated with colds. If they’re treated with antibiotics, usually there are no long-term consequences.

How do you get rid of athlete's foot in kids?

Usually a fungus cream works well like clotrimazole.