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Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.


Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
68 years Experience
Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Public Health
  • Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  • SUNY Downstate Medical Center
  • Not accepting new patients


Medical and Political Risk

As the multiple pandemics roll along, more and more Americans decide that they have had enough and resume to their pre-covid lives. The behavior, the shortage of beds, and emergency...


When Worlds Collide Revisit

It's difficult for John and Jane Q Public to resist the call of faraway places as they hopefully say goodbye to the Tripledemic. But the recent pandemics are not gone and Malaria...


Tripledemic Realities and The Re-Emergence of Hate.

The emergence of a particularly invasive strain of beta hemolytic streptococcus is adding to the perils of human interaction. BETA hemolytic streptococcal infection has long been...

Old and New Threats for Old and Young

The trio of COVID-19 and its omicron variants, the flu, and respiratory syncytial vesicular disease are ravaging through the United States. Hospital beds and space are insufficient...


Covid and its variants

The respiratory Syncytial syndrome,the augmented flu syndrome, augmented Ba variants of Covid 19, increased gun. violence, increased stabbings, vehicular homicides and suicides...

Ancient Enemies, Independent Judiciary, Dark Money, and the Loss of a Hero.

Much of the masking and distancing behavior is the USA is predicated on the belief that COVID-19 and its variants are on their way out or on the way to controllable status. The...

Climate Change, Covid Variants, and Mental Illness

There is increasing evidence that Covid-19 viruses particularly Ba4 and Ba5 are increasing the prevalence of mental disorder in the American population. Jackson Mississippi's...


Drugs and Politics

The Biden administration is being lauded for bringing forward a measure decriminalizing marijuana and freeing a number of people who have been jailed for its possession. It was...

Generational Conflict

As new omicron variants manifest, the hope that the loss of one million Americans, largely through mismanagement, begins to fade. As public health proponents are retired, fired,...

Remembrance of Things Past?

I have addressed the role of academic institutions in previous publications of the Octogenarians and in prior editions of this blog. The issue of alternative truths to spare feelings...


Lux et Veritas,Lux sans veritas?

There has been an upsurge of violence both physical and intellectual against public health principles and practice. The burgeoning anger of a politicized hoipoloi is expectable...

Threats of Violence and Medical Care

There is a burgeoning spate of episodes of violent behavior in association with administered medical care. Statistical analysis reveals 10 to 12 percent originating from caregivers...

Money and Mental Health

The special relationship between the quality of health and mental health services available to a given population and the sociopolitical nature of that population is coming under...

COVID-19, Neuro-Cognitive Change, Social Isolation, and Climate Change

There appears to be an upsurge in violence directed against visible minorities and not dependent on rapid fire handguns or AR15s. In Saskatchewan, Canada ten are dead and 19 injured...

Defensive Medicine, Pandemics, Politics, and Public Health

The CDC by a narrow margin has joined the WHO in naming Monkeypox as an pandemic. Monkeypox has jumped from 17 to 1720 countrywide in one day and now it's approaching 10,000 in...

Leadership and Age.

President Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 infection. News reports indicate that he is tired, but quite functional. Vice President Kamala Harris is uninfected and separated...


COVID Isn't The Only Menace

I had speculated on a previous text that omicron represents an increased infectivity with a modified downward severity for a time. BA4 & BA5 has increased infectivity and...

Covid Spreads. Vaccines Available for Children under 5. People Seem Fed Up and Prone to Primitive Responses

The U. S. population is beset by geometric increases in gun violence, a resurgence in new cases of new variants of the omicron strain of the COVID-19 virus, the realization that...

Coronavirus and Geometric Increase in Gun (and other) Violence

The hearings on the Capitol invasion on January 6th or 2021 reached their conclusions to the general public via television yesterday. To those who were constantly tuned in prior,...

Uvalde, Texas Shooting

Uvalde, Texas, is north of the border down Mexico Way, 80 miles west of San Antonio, and the site of the NRA's most recent success of demonstrating the effectiveness of war weapons...