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What causes a UTI infection?

I was diagnosed with a painful UTI infection. What causes a UTI infection?

How do they remove 20 mm kidney stones?

I was diagnosed with 20 mm kidney stone. Is it serious? How do they remove 20 mm kidney stones?

Ultrasound interpretation?

I’m am curious about how the bladder looks I’ve been bleeding for 2 months and getting recurrent UTIs.

What antibiotics treat kidney infections?

I have a kidney infection and want to treat it. What antibiotics treat kidney infections?

How long does kidney infection back pain last?

I was diagnosed with a kidney infection and I have back pain. How long does kidney infection back pain last?

What painkiller is best for kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection and it hurts. What painkiller is best for kidney infection?

Ultrasound interpretation?

I’m am curious about how the bladder looks I’ve been bleeding for 2 months and getting recurrent UTIs.

Can COVID infection cause kidney pain?

I was diagnosed with COVID infection and I have kidney pain. Can COVID infection cause kidney pain?

Can a kidney injury heal on its own?

I was diagnosed with a kidney injury. Can a kidney injury heal on its own?

How can I treat kidney injury after COVID?

After COVID infection I was diagnosed with kidney injury. Can COVID infection cause kidney pain?

What causes blood to appear in urine?

I noticed blood in my urine. Should I get a urine test?

Is frequent urination a sign of diabetes?

I have frequent urination for the last 3 weeks. Is frequent urination a sign of diabetes?

How do I empty my bladder with an enlarged prostate?

I have an enlarged prostate. I have difficulties urinating. How can I make urinating easier?

Pain and frequent urination?

I have been urinating frequently and today I started having sharp pain in my right side. My doctor ordered a comprehensive metabolic panel. The only thing abnormal was that the...

I think my kidneys are on the way out?

My feet are swelling, shortness of breath, I could sleep all day. I have a bad rash all over my body, and I am scratching all the time. This has been going on for nearly 3 months....

Can a varicocele come back after surgery?

I had a varicocele surgery 2 weeks ago. It seems okay. Can a varicocele come back after surgery?

Will my sperm count increase after varicocele surgery?

I was diagnosed with a low sperm count. Also, I have varicocele. Will my sperm count increase after varicocele surgery?

Do you pee a lot after getting a UTI?

I started to pee a lot after getting a UTI. Is it ok?

How long does your kidney hurt after passing a stone?

I passed kidney stones yesterday but my kidney still hurts. Is it normal? Should I see a doctor?

Can COVID infection cause a kidney infection?

After COVID infection I was diagnosed with a kidney infection. Can COVID infection cause kidney infection?

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